Marine Park First School

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Park Road, Whitley Bay, Tyne and Wear, NE26 1LT

0191 2534343

Marine Park First School

Hand in hand we learn together

  2. SEND Information

SEND Information


Marine Park First School aims to be a fully inclusive school. We want to remove barriers to learning and participation whilst providing an education that:

  • is appropriate to all pupils' needs
  • promotes high standards
  • promotes the fulfilment of potential: personally, socially, emotionally, physically and educationally.  

We believe that it is important that all children are valued members of the school community and have rich and positive experiences.


In order to achieve these aims we:

  • Promote positive relationships, active engagement and wellbeing for all pupils;
  • Ensure that all children have access to high quality teaching;
  • Adopt a positive and proactive approach to behaviour;
  • Regularly assess pupils and seek input from parents, carers as well as pupils and specialist professionals;
  • Develop and understanding of individual pupil needs using the graduated approach through the ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review Cycle’.  

Contact details  

If you would like further information about the support we offer at Marine Park First School for pupils with Special Education Needs,  please contact the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo): Mrs S Armstrong via the School Office 01912534343 or email

Marine Park First School’s SEND Information Report and Local Offer

Our SEND Information report and Local Offer lets you understand how we support pupils with Special Educational Needs and disabilities. To read the SEND Information Report at Marine Park First School, please click here.


Marine Park First School’s SEND Policy

Our SEND Policy provides further information regarding SEND. To read our SEND Policy please click here.


North Tyneside Council's Local Offer

North Tyneside Council has a local offer describing how they support families. This can be found by clicking here.


North Tyneside’s Graduated Approach

North Tyneside’s Graduated Approach provides a clear outline of the support available for children and young people. To view North Tyneside’s Graduated Approach, please click here

North Tyneside Council SEND Accessibility Strategy

This can be found by clicking here.


Educational Psychology Service

Click here to view a leaflet created by North Tyneside Educational Psychology Service.


 Other Useful Links: