Marine Park First School

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Park Road, Whitley Bay, Tyne and Wear, NE26 1LT

0191 2534343

Marine Park First School

Hand in hand we learn together

  2. Admission and Transition Information

Admission and Transition Information

Click this link to see arrangement for current classes in 2023-24 in 2024-25:

Nursery admissions are managed by Marine Park First School, following the Local Authority Admission Code. Please contact the school if you would like to arrange a visit.

Pupils are eligible to attend the Nursery in the September following their third birthday. In order to be considered for a place, parents/carer must apply directly to the school. Please contact Ms G Ramsay on 0191 2534343, via or call into the school office. All schools in the Whitley Bay Collaborative agree on a offer day (usually the first Friday in February) and set a deadline for accepting or declining a place. Schools then cross reference lists of accepted places.

Please note that a place in the Nursery class does not guarantee a place in the Reception year.

30.9.24-Paper Letter sent out to parents/carers that expressed an interest in a place in 2025-2026

4.11.24 Email sent to parents carers that confirmed they wanted a Nursery place to request more information about requirements e.g. morning, afternoon, 30 hours, childcare.

3.2.25 Nursery offers will be sent out

21.2.25 Deadline for accepting offers

Click here to visit the Nursery 2024-25 admissions document

We are aware that there are some temporary problems accessing the SWAY document so follow this link to a PFD version of the Nursery admission document in the meantime.

6.11.23-Letter sent out to parents/carers that expressed an interest in a place in 2024-2025

26.1.24 A google form was sent out to parents/carers that had indicated a need for 30 hours provision.

1.2.24 Nursery offers sent out by email.

15.2.24 Deadline for responding to offer.

8.5.24 Email sent to parents/carer of pupils that accepted a place. The email included a letter inviting parents to sign up to attend a welcome meeting on Monday 10th of June (starting at 7 p.m.). Parents/carers also invited to sign up for a tour of the school which starts at 6 p.m.

Click here to visit the Nursery 2024-25 admissions document.

We are aware that there are some temporary problems accessing the SWAY document so follow this link to a PFD version of the Nursery admission document in the meantime.

We will provide hard copies of some information (start dates) at the welcome meeting and email some forms to parents/carers.

Pupils are eligible to attend Reception in the September following their fourth birthday.

Please contact the school if you would like to arrange a visit.

North Tyneside Admissions manage the admissions procedure for Reception and the other year groups. Visit the Local Authority website for more information.

Parents/carers are strongly encouraged to apply online rather than use a paper application. Click here to apply.

National Offer Day for starting Reception class in September 2025 is the 16th April 2025.

Visit the Local Authority website for more information.

Click here to visit the Reception 2024-25 admissions document.

We are aware that there are some temporary problems accessing the SWAY document so follow this link to a PFD version of the Reception admission document in the meantime.

16.4.24 National Offer Day for Reception places 2024-25.

2.5.24 Last date for parents/carers to accept or refuse the offer that has been made. 

For more information follow this link: School admissions | North Tyneside Council and this link: Key dates | North Tyneside Council

23.5.24 We emailed a letter to parents to sign up to attend a welcome meeting on Monday 17th of June (starting at 7 p.m.). Parents/carers have also been invited to sign up for a tour of the school which starts at 6 p.m. on the 17th. Please note: There are different versions of the letter depending on whether your child already attends Marine Park Nursery (there is an a.m. letter which is different to p.m.); there are also two different letters if your child does not attend Marine Park Nursery (inviting your child to visit the school).

Click here to visit the Reception 2024-25 admissions document.

We are aware that there are some temporary problems accessing the SWAY document so follow this link to a PFD version of the Reception admission document in the meantime.

We will provide hard copies of some information (start dates) at the welcome meeting and email some forms to parents/carers.

Links to the Middle School Websites:

Marden Bridge Middle School Website

Monkseaton Middle School Website

Valley Gardens Middle School Website

Wellfield Middle School website

North Tyneside Admissions manage the admissions procedure for Year 5. Visit the Local Authority website for more information. 

1.3.24- National Offer Day for Middle schools. Click here to access the Local Authority School Admissions page: School admissions | North Tyneside Council

If you need to contact admissions, for any reason, please email:

25.3.24 Letter to Y4 pupils and their parents/carers from Middle School Headteachers


North Tyneside Admissions manage the admissions procedure for Year 5.

Visit the Local Authority website for more information. 

Parents/carers are strongly encouraged to apply online rather than use a paper application. Click here to apply.

These are links to the Middle School Websites:

Marden Bridge Middle School Website

Monkseaton Middle School Website

Valley Gardens Middle School Website

Wellfield Middle School website

Middle School Open Evening Letter (visits take place in September 2024).

National Offer Day for Middle schools is the 3rd March 2025. Click here to access the Local Authority School Admissions page:  School admissions | North Tyneside Council.