Marine Park First School

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Park Road, Whitley Bay, Tyne and Wear, NE26 1LT

0191 2534343

Marine Park First School

Hand in hand we learn together

  2. Questionnaire and Consultation Exercises
  3. Pupil Questionnaire

Pupil What do you think about your school? Autumn 2021

The questions are in-line with the OFSTED pupil questionnaire. Overall we were very pleased overall to note very high satisfaction levels in response to the statements. We are also pleased to note the low number of pupils that answer “Never/None/Strongly Disagree/Nothing done about bullying” to statements (with the exception of question16) . Senior staff have spoken individually to any child (that included their name) that answered “Never/None/Strongly Disagree/Nothing done about bullying” to any of the statements (with the exception of question 16). Music and sports lessons were re-introduced in the 20-21 academic year but at lower capacity and we often have more demand than places but we are working through lists and gradually introducing more capacity.

 The % results have been rounded to the nearest whole number so totals may not always add up to exactly 100. A small number of respondents reported teething problems with the form and where they have indicated that answer they wanted to give then we have adjusted the totals. Hopefully problems with the form were limited. The results of this questionnaire (including pupil comments and responses) and all other “Your Say” exercises are published on the school website. Thank you to the 261 Y1-4 pupils that completed and returned their questionnaire-we appreciate the feedback.