Marine Park First School

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Park Road, Whitley Bay, Tyne and Wear, NE26 1LT

0191 2534343

Marine Park First School

Hand in hand we learn together

  2. Y2 (Key Stage 1 )

Y2 (Key Stage 1 )


At the end of Year 2 (the end of Key Stage 1), class teachers asses the standards each child is working at in English reading, English writing, mathematics, and science.

To help inform those judgements, pupils sit national curriculum assessments in English and mathematics, commonly called SATs.

Year 2 teachers are undertaking these tests in May.

Click here to read more information from the Department for Education: Information for parents: 2023 national curriculum tests at the end of key stages 1 and 2

In addition, you can watch this short video aimed at parents to give outline information about the Key Stage 1 National Curriculum tests.

Video published by Michael Tidd on YouTube